by Matthew Bransgrove | Oct 14, 2015 | Crime
Most hardened criminals have little education. An educated person possessing the life skills required to make a living will not turn to a life of crime through necessity. Accordingly, all children should be properly educated to the level required to earn a living....
by Matthew Bransgrove | Oct 14, 2015 | Crime
Drug abuse is a major cause of all sorts of crime, including organized crime, official corruption, violent assault, gang-related crime, random murder, motivated murder, prostitution, illegal immigration, embezzlement, domestic violence, and others. It follows that...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Oct 14, 2015 | Crime
The law of nature does not only allow us, but oblige us, to defend ourselves. It is our duty, not only to ourselves, but to the society … If we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our property and fortunes, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom. And Cicero...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Oct 14, 2015 | Crime
Released murderers, violent ex-boyfriends who threaten to murder, convicted pedophiles, and violent schizophrenics all represent a clear and present danger to society. Many heinous crimes would simply not occur if these people were isolated from the general...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Oct 14, 2015 | Crime
Small towns have virtually no crime; this is because there is such a small pool of suspects that offenders know they will quickly be detected. This contrasts with big cities; for example, the Los Angles Times’ Homicide Report lists up to ten gang-related murders every...