The Thatcher-Reagan macro-economic modelling method

For the truth is that families and governments have a great deal more in common than most politicians and economists like to accept. Although the consequences of flouting fundamental rules are somewhat different for states than for households, they are still ruinous....


Inflation does not add anything to a nation’s power of resistance, either to its material resources or to its spiritual and moral strength. Whether there is inflation or not, the material equipment required by the armed forces must be provided out of the available...


Small wars Wars will continue to be entered into impulsively unless the people are accustomed to paying for them as they go along. Borrowing buffers the people from the realities of what is being done in their name and prevents the connection being made between high...

What should the Chinese do?

There are steps the Chinese can take to ensure peace and prosperity, while simultaneously putting the rest of the world at ease. Let Tibet go The first thing China should do is to release the Tibetans and remove all Chinese settled on Tibetan soil. As long as China...

Meeting the Chinese threat

It is in our Western interest that China should be open, stable and prosperous, and a full partner in the international community. That is the only rational policy for the West to pursue with a country which has the world’s largest population … nuclear weapons and is...