by Matthew Bransgrove | Dec 22, 2015 | War
Autonomous airplanes, tanks, patrol vehicles, foot soldiers, sentries, logistics vehicles and intelligence-gathering devices give great promise as means for reducing the casualties and costs of war, especially in relation to occupation and counter-insurgency work. One...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Dec 22, 2015 | War
Arms races do not cause wars The springs of war lie in the readiness to resort to force against other nations, and not in ‘arms races’, whether real or imaginary. Aggressors do not start wars because an adversary has built up his own strength. They start wars because...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Dec 22, 2015 | War
All is over, silent, mournful, abandoned, broken, Czechoslovakia recedes into the darkness. She has suffered in every respect by her association with the Western democracies and with the League of Nations, of which she has always been an obedient servant. She has...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Dec 22, 2015 | War
No doubt as a whole His Majesty’s Government were very slow in accepting the unwelcome fact of German rearmament. They still clung to the policy of one-sided disarmament. It was one of those experiments, we are told, which had to be … “tried out”, just as the...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Dec 22, 2015 | War
Unless we were prepared to unleash a full-scale nuclear war as soon as some local incident occurs in some distant country, we must have conventional forces in readiness to deal with such situations as they arise. —Winston Churchill. Speech to the House of Commons,...
by Matthew Bransgrove | Dec 22, 2015 | War
Nuclear weapons are vital to our defense. Conventional weapons have not succeeded in deterring war. Nuclear weapons have prevented not only nuclear war, but conventional war as well. They have kept the peace in Europe for over forty years. —Margaret Thatcher. Speech...