Global warming
It is not pleasant to have to argue against a superstition which is held most strongly by men and women who are often regarded as the best in our society, and against a belief that has become almost the new religion of our time (and in which many of the ministers of...
It is no good proposing that we go back to some simple village life and halve our population by some means which have not been revealed, as if that would solve all our problems. Indeed, some of the Third World’s primitive farming methods created the deserts and...
So-called Greens are in fact anti-humans
There is a way of killing worse than that of the sword; ... To prohibit from being born is to kill; those governments are in the highest degree guilty of blood, which by taking from men the means of living, bring some to perish through want, drive others out of the...
Human happiness is the proper test
The relationship between scientific research and policy towards the global environment was not just a technical matter. It went to the heart of what differentiated my approach from that of the socialists. For me, the economic progress, scientific advance and public...